Megan Wedding 2017

Megan Wedding 2017

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Life Quandry

Pamela mentions yesterday morning that she has no motivation to get her notes completed. I said that I think we are having mid-life crisis issues. Hard to just keep it all going. Kids leave the house. And it is sort of - what next. Our job as parents seems complete. Granted, problems still present. But those frequent trips to the soccer field, drill team performances are gone. Eating in the dining room is now mostly occurring when there are more than 2 present, otherwise we are parked in front of the TV. I find myself looking forward too much to sporting events (btw #SicEm). Nothing has changed with my wife - still love her and savor every moment with her. Still love God and every moment with Him. I still love opportunities to be with people and talk about life. But some of the other routines of life just don’t have the same drive. Getting a promotion at work changed little. I’m sure there are a lot of good words that could be said right now about all of this. I find I leave work, go home, and sit. I have in my mind tons of projects to do and don't get them completed. 

Pains are more frequent. Feet, arm now, toe, back can swell up. I love to read but don't read enough. I am 54 now and start to think that the next 20 years will probably be it for me and then I will probably start being in a place where my body just won't keep up. That's hard to accept. 

Meanwhile, donuts have been tasting a lot better lately.

4 comments: said...

Mr. Peyton, don't know your first name, we are Naturopathic Doctors and would love to be able to help you feel better and enjoy life more. Please do not use the email at the bottom. Please respond to our I just don't know how to use this other email address with passwords, etc. Please let us know if you are open to us helping you. It's NOT about money. It's about helping you a friend and Christian. We care about you and would like to help you with the pain you are dealing with. That's what we do.

Angel said...

I must admit that I starting reading Jesus calling on your blog bcuz it was so much more convenient - and I have shared it with others that read it daily also! I'm very thankful for this blog. I keep coming back bcuz I like the extras in it. Your verse thoughts and prayers are bonuses I really enjoy. I've also enjoyed insights into your family as they have tracked with mine A LOT. I've noticed ou haven't written in a while and I was wondering how you are doing? How you are really doing - not just the 'put on a happy face' answer. I ask bcuz I gleen insight from your journey. I am now 54 and also struggling with a lack of zest with work. My son has dealt with pot as he tries to medicate his depression. I'm wondering if you were able to find the path of peace? I understand you don't know me from Adam but if you feel like sharing it would be a blessing. And I wanted you to know how much your blog is blessing people around the world!!

paytonfamily said...

Hi Angel - Good to hear from you. Thanks for reaching out. Glad you enjoy Jesus Calling. I'm amazed what God has done with those posts. So as you know I have this sort of "life happening" blog, We are Family, and then by bible study blog at I post fairly regularly on there, but yes, on this one not too often. I've been journaling daily for the past 11 years. Naturally, I don't post those because I'm not that transparent. Ha! Feel free to email me at I'd enjoy talking to you more that way.

BGG. BY God’s Grace said...

I found this page as I was searching for a login to the Jesus Calling blog. I’m on the home stretch toward 80, yup that’s right 80! Sometimes, and only sometimes, I would like to do my 50’s again. I recall one of my early birthdays, 30 maybe, or 40. It was a game changer. Whichever one it was, it was a new decade, and the mindset of the previous decade was that “now you are old”. But Jesus gave me an interesting view. Each new decade held within itself an adventure. Teens were intense with developing the road I would choose to “adult”. Twenties, the foundation of life was established, marriage, babies, career. Thirties, well for me thirties we’re all about Jesus, church, building life, raising my children, loving my husband. I didn’t know what the forties would bring, but I know each decade was different than the previous one. I would never have dreamed that at this point in life I would still be a dreamer, and have to laugh at that because I had one decade that stole my dreaming and I have only recently recovered it.
If I were to look back at those younger than myself, I’d say, “hang on it’s a wild ride with Jesus at the helm. You’ll see some white water, but be assured, those calm, quiet Son drenched days are more than sufficient to inspire for the next set of rapids.”