Megan Wedding 2017

Megan Wedding 2017

Tuesday, May 16, 2023


So today, my friend mentioned to me that he has disabled Facebook on his phone and deleted his account. He remarked that it has become an idol in his life and he doesn't want anything to do with it. 

This isn't the first time he has done this. He has made decisions like this before, previously getting rid of a smart phone altogether or deleting accounts. As he mentioned it this time, I thought of self-control. It is spoken of in the Bible. It is part of the fruit of the Spirit. And in 2 Timothy 1:7 it says, "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." Self-control is also translated sound mind. 

Here's my point. I'm wondering at times how much we give God an opportunity to work in our life. Does my friend really need to disable and delete his Facebook account or does he rather need to learn to submit and surrender to God and say "Yes" to Him and "No" to those things that entangle him? I mean, would that not be allowing the Spirit of God to do a work in his life and give him (the Holy) spirit working of self-control in his life. By deleting Facebook, where does self-control now have a chance to succeed in his life? 

It is like these internet screening services or programs program that get installed on phones or for browsing. Doesn't this take the work of God and His power out of our life? How is self-control going to be manifested if we force remove our ability to sin? 

I don't know, sometimes I wonder if we are pushing the Holy Spirit out of his role in our life by setting up all of these safeguards so we really don't have to trust God. I mean, when was the last time you had to go without a meal because you couldn't afford it. So what sort of meaning really is "Give us this day our daily bread." 

Circle people around in a room and ask for prayer requests. #1 item that comes up are medical needs in America. Why? Because we've taken care of everything else in our lives. We've taken over control of everything else. But health continues to attack us despite our best efforts to have good jobs, nice homes, safe cars. And so for those reasons it is "God, help!" And the crazy thing is I don't even see these types of prayers often in the Bible. There are not many prayers in the Bible for better health, but instead the prayer is to accept what you have been given. It just feels like we are no different from those folks following Jesus around, just wanting to see him do a miracle when he just wants to share His eternal truth to us about having eternal life and living with him. But we are so fixated instead with what is in front of us. 

I just wonder. What are we doing? Are we taking God out? Are we giving the Holy Spirit a chance to work in us? I mean, wouldn't it be a greater testimony to say what we did is decided to trust God and allow His Spirit to work. "I got out of the way and God gave me the Self-control He promised to give me." That sounds better than I removed something from my phone or I added something that prevents me from going to a site.  

Sunday, April 09, 2023

Growing up on Bellehaven Court

I grew up living at 1705 Bellehaven Ct, the first house I remember, my folks moving there when I was approaching the age of 2. We stayed there till the summer of 1977 when at age 9, almost 10, we moved up to 1194 Bobcat Blvd. It was a move to the heights to a house my dad had built by Mr. Kaplan. But those 7 years at Bellehaven Court (feels longer) were a great experience. I guess my big memories from there are:

  • Christmas morning getting the pinball machine. It wasn't the fancy one from the arcade but one my folks got for us anyway. 
  • Cooking with my mom in the kitchen. 
  • Playing with T in our play room. 
  • My dad saying, "The wind is my friend."
  • Staying home from school and watching "Dialing for Dollars" on TV which was the afternoon showcase of movies. 
  • Playing 500 game with the kids on the street, at the end of the cul-de-sac. 
  • Getting babysat by all of the Reynold's kids, but mostly Mark and then Brian and I think their sister one or two times. The Reynolds moved across the arroyo to a bigger house. Seemed like a dream house to me. They had a shaggy dog. I was probably 5 when they moved from their house next door. 
  • Throwing rocks at the car with T and then getting punished by taking a bath. Car wash drying by my dad. 
  • Visits by the Jewel man, sitting on my mom's lap or next to her. 
  • Watching my mom put on her cosmetics in her bathroom. 
  • Birthday party in the garage with all of the neighborhood kids. 
  • Spending the night at Don's across the street and having Mrs. Faerber kissing me good night. 
  • Hanging out in Cindy and Missy's little house in their backyard. 
  • Cherry tree next door. And in Faerber's back yard.
  • Mr. Weeks and AB's visits. 
  • Playing hockey in our driveway. 
  • Putting my pillow in the freezer to get it cold.  
Well, just thought I'd start making a list of memories on Bellehaven growing up. 

New Atheism - A Survival Guide by Graham Veale - Chapters 1 and 2

New Atheism - A Survival Guide by Graham Veale

Chapter 1
- How to Slay a Spaghetti Monster -  Atheists are good at ridiculing the Christian's position of faith. They use this tactic all-to-often making it laughable that anyone would be a person of faith. They start with this and then take marks at certain points of faith, but they start with belittling the subject. They present that no rational human being would have a belief in God equating belief in God to a piece of pasta.

[In this world of tolerance it is interesting that the persecution of the church is rampant, possibly because people of faith put forth a division of secular-spiritual, Christian-non-Christian dichotomy of sorts. The world seems to be bent on the idea that all spiritual people are the same and to that end being religious is now an affront to this type of thinking. The world thinks that it is okay to be religious as long as everyone believes the same thing and religion is kind to society's ideals.]

Dawkins claims that since there is no rational evidence of God then the default belief holds true - atheism.

We are physical beings living in a physical universe, so does our knowledge of this universe rule out any transcendent and non-physical entities or is agnosticism (definition: existence of God unknowable) the only sensible conclusion? 

History teaches us to prefer simple explanations or hypothesis. Theism seems to be a simple hypothesis teaching that one God with limitless power is the foundation for everything that exists. It's not only simple but this explanation explains something about our universe. And theism seeks to explain things about the purposed activity in our universe -- why good and evil are real and present and the reason for suffering. Therefore, saying that the Flying Spaghetti Monster or a fairy tale or ghosts are an accurate comparison is incorrect because those things don't purport to define our universe.

Chapter 2 - Science falls into a Gap - Only a few heed the call by a prophet. When Moses parted the red sea, only a remnant followed him. In movies, a scientist often follows this path. In Close Encounters of the Third Kind, a scientist (Richard Dreyfus) investigates UFO's; he sees something that others don't and comes upon a small relic of people gathering together to witness this encounter from aliens (not of this world). 

Why the shift in Hollywood and society to the scientist? The scientist became the problem-solver. Engineers and inventors brought about the machine, replacing the power of man and beast (horse) and the notion was that science rather than man began to answer more and more of our questions. Yet, science was still a product of man and didn't disprove religion; many saw it making religion unnecessary and atheism loved this.  

Scientism or Dogmatic Scientism is the belief or worldview that physical science answers every question or every eventual question. Scientism is more akin to philosophy than scientific theory. However, there is a difference between saying "science answers questions" and "science answers every question." Literature, history and philosophy teach that science does not explain everything.
  •     Are people only products of their environment, their genetics and life experiences? 
  •     Can people be held accountable for their actions? 
  •     Are we agents or persons that have purposes and can act on them or are we only products?
Science is impersonal. It is based on observation and as events occur, there is measurement of how events follow other events and this in turn helps explain events. For example, in determining Mars' (the planet) current location, there is the study of the solar system and where planets reside and also the law of gravity - to conclude and explain the location of mars. Yet people (agents) are personal, are  individuals and we don't observe one person's actions to then explain another person's actions or movements. 

Yet, some do think humans are not agents but instead a product of genetic nature, of a person's environment, and of a person's life experience. There is no choice in behavior, but rather events happen and as they do, we react and act. But, then how can a person be held accountable for their actions? 

An example of this comparison - scientific explanation vs personal explanation is from the movie Iron Giant about a robot that, sent to our planet to attack it but upon its arrival, hurts its skull and thus wipes out its programming.  A boy, Hogarth, who finds it, tries to hide it from the paranoid government but eventually the government catches up to the giant. In the struggle, Hogarth is knocked unconscious, but the giant thinks the boy is dead and this triggers his programming and he attacks those trying to seize him. Now the giant follows its programming to attack the planet. Then Hogarth comes back into the giant's life and tells him "You are who you choose to be!" The giant flies into an incoming missile, kills himself, but saves his friend and his friend's planet. So at one point the giant is at the mercy of his programming, but once he interacts with a human, the Giant acts as an agent and not a machine. 

Thus far:
scientific explanations - explain events by appealing to impersonal laws and objects
agent explanations - appeal to the purposes and abilities of persons

Dawkins said in the past we appealed to religion to explain events we did not know about but now we can get answers solely from science because science defines and governs nature. Science explained God away. 

Think of Princess (Lady) Diana and the possible reasons for her death (car accident in an underpass by the River Seine) in 1997. Diana at the time was dating a Muslim man. British conservatism was horrified by their courtship. Both die in the crash. Complex conspiracy theories gave way to a simple explanation of a tragic accident. The evidence is complex and starts to seem irrational. In the first chapter, we said if a complex theory can be avoided it should be

After research, the conclusion was the driver had been drinking a lot, the passengers (Lady Di and boyfriend) were not wearing seat belts and the driver was trying to escape the paparazzi and drove dangerously. Thus, the hypothesis explains away the need for a complex conspiracy theory.

New Atheists believe that science now explains away any evidence for the existence of God. For example, Newton said God guaranteed the predictable order of the planets, but then LaPlace showed we don't need this hypothesis. William Paley believed that God designed the body plans of complex organisms, but Darwin could do this without divine tinkering. 

Key thought -- One explanation can explain another away only when the two explanations are incompatible. 

But theism and science are not incompatible. Our universe is ordered by a rational agent and the science proves this. In the example of Lady Di, the conspiracy theory speaks of the power of the media, but this helps to understand why the accident took place. Thus, they work together, and are not incompatible. Theism and science are compatible because theism encourages us to seek laws and mechanisms out; they are not in conflict.  

Explaining the Bloodlands

Hitler wanted to eliminate the Jews of Europe. Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS, wanted to eliminate Jews. He set up Belzec, in Poland, not as a concentration camp, but an extermination camp, where hundreds of thousands were transported to the gas chambers and die within a few hours of arrival. Himmler's opportunism does not explain away Hitler's responsibility for the Holocaust, rather they confirm it.

---- April 2023 -- I finally finished this book. Never did post this summary and obviously wish I would have done a summary on each chapter, but going ahead and submitting this. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Life Quandry

Pamela mentions yesterday morning that she has no motivation to get her notes completed. I said that I think we are having mid-life crisis issues. Hard to just keep it all going. Kids leave the house. And it is sort of - what next. Our job as parents seems complete. Granted, problems still present. But those frequent trips to the soccer field, drill team performances are gone. Eating in the dining room is now mostly occurring when there are more than 2 present, otherwise we are parked in front of the TV. I find myself looking forward too much to sporting events (btw #SicEm). Nothing has changed with my wife - still love her and savor every moment with her. Still love God and every moment with Him. I still love opportunities to be with people and talk about life. But some of the other routines of life just don’t have the same drive. Getting a promotion at work changed little. I’m sure there are a lot of good words that could be said right now about all of this. I find I leave work, go home, and sit. I have in my mind tons of projects to do and don't get them completed. 

Pains are more frequent. Feet, arm now, toe, back can swell up. I love to read but don't read enough. I am 54 now and start to think that the next 20 years will probably be it for me and then I will probably start being in a place where my body just won't keep up. That's hard to accept. 

Meanwhile, donuts have been tasting a lot better lately.

Kingdom Man by Tony Evans

Chapter 1 - The Cry for a Kingdom Man

There are not just 2 teams represented on the football field, but 3. The third team is the referees. There would be confusion and no way to play football as we know it without the referees. Their authority is according to a rule book. If the official rules not according to the rule book authority is lost. Jesus has not asked me to simply be a fan, but cry to the officials to rule well, or in other words want God to rule according to His principles. Thus, there is a cry out there for a fan, a kingdom man.

The Greek word for kingdom in the New Testament is basileia meaning 'authority and rule.' The kingdom has 3 institutions that work together: family, church, and civil government. The authority of the ruler is key and Satan desires to reducing his authority, albeit subtly, by diminishing his name. God in relation to Adam in the garden was called Lord God, but Satan, in speaking to Adam and Eve simply said God. Thus, we men must put Lord back in God's name as this recognizes man's rightful relation to God.

God told the Israelites to come before him 3x a year to receive instructions and he referred to himself as Lord, GOD, God of Israel. He was in charge to the third power.

In 2009, Captain Chesley B. Sullenberger III made a heroic decision to land US Airways Flight 1549 on Hudson river with 2 engines out and to avoid a disaster. His 4 decades of training brought him to the point of being able to do this. 2 years later, a 25 year old woman loaded up her 4 children, the first of which she had at the age of 15, and drove them straight into the freezing water of the Hudson. 1 boy escaped. Perhaps it was the father(s) of these children, not just the woman, who was often involved in altercations with the mother and was arrested and not paying child support that also played a major role in the demise of 4 people. One man operated with responsibility while another did not.

Like it or not, man is called to rule. God did not speak to Eve when she sinned, he spoke to Adam because Adam was ultimately responsible. We are called not simply to rule though, but to rule by the rule book (The Word of God; the Bible).

Chapter 2 - The Concept of a Kingdom Man

The stats: 70% of all prisoners, 80% of all rapists with anger problems, 71% of all high school dropouts, and 63% of all teen suicides occur in homes where the father is either absent or abusive. There is real pain, real emptiness, real longing, real anger, real loss, and real need because of absent or abusive fathers.

Tony Evans' father accepted God's salvation when Tony was 10 and his father immediately became an evangelist. His mother did not like her husband as a sinner, and even less as a saint, but he chose to love her unconditionally and swarmed her with kindness until eventually she wanted what he had. A father's impact can be dramatic.

Many men today are trying, consulting different helps and aids, but they must define manhood by the complete Word of God. A referee must govern by the entire rule book, not just parts. The Greek word for kingdom is mentioned 162 times in the New Testament. A kingdom man is a man who positions himself and operates according to the comprehensive rule of God over every area of his life. 

This book, like many, are reminders. We need them because our world daily distracts us with its messages and our natural sinful nature distracts us. Suddenly then, we are ineffective. Like Adam, I am to be responsible for my wife, for my family. Satan wants to be charge in our world. Adam, through his silence (passive living), let Satan take charge.

[I've noticed that besides being a policeman, primarily to my boys, when I didn't see them step up to the plate of responsibility toward their school work and life chores, what I have said or spoken to my sons? Have I really trained them?]

It is not enough to be busy all the time. Sports, pornography, can all be attempts to project oneself into another arena when you don't want to deal with yourself. A man can live vicariously through other people, wishing he were them or had them - in so doing he loses touch with his manhood. Then, as man goes to relate to his wife, he defaults to wanting to simply control her [I have done this often in controlling and hovering over the spending money of my wife].

The author in his family will often hold up 3 fingers to express to his family members, "I've got it." In other words, he communicates that he will take responsibility of a situation. As he does this, everyone else calms down and is free to rest. This is similar to what God says to us with concepts in His word such as don't worry, trust Him, pray, depend on Him.

Remember, ultimately that God and His Word "Has it." Make decision by seeking God and His Word. God says, "I've got it."

Chapter 3 - A Man's Call to Greatness

Men everywhere want to be great. Generally, more men than women are at sporting events. There is a tug in man's heart to be the victor, to come out on top. It is men that gravitate towards wearing the MVP's jersey on their back. There is a prize with men in having a beautiful woman on their arm, for all the world to see. Women often fantasize about relationships, men often about greatness. The Apostle Paul told the church at Thessalonica to "excel still more", the Corinthians to always abound in the work of the Lord, and to seek greatness in all that they did for the glory of God.

What was key about Moses and his ministry was his meekness, or his willingness to submit and surrender himself to God. John 14:12 - Truly, Truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do. Meanwhile, the world has switched the price tags on what is great, instead saying that fame and fortune is what is important and integrity and a high moral character is not as important.

Like a punter on a football team, that many can't name, I need to be great, not just for my own benefit, but to benefit the team. Man gets great by serving others, thus reflecting Jesus who came not to be served, but to serve and to give His life (Matt 20:28). I am to reflect Jesus and His light.

Chapter 4 - The Power of One Real Man

The story of Shamgar in the Bible. He lived in the time of the judges when every man did what he thought was right in his own sight. Shamgar struck down 600 Philistines with an oxgoad. Chances are Shamgar was an ordinary man, a farmer, trying to provide for his family. An oxgoad was a farming tool used to prod an ox along when it became sluggish. Why did he rise to prominence? Not sure. But he was just a farmer, so at the right time, he knew he had to do something.

Don't make excuses. Don't wait until you are a big shot to do big shot things. God can use you right now; you don't need to wait for the next big thing in your life for you to do something.

We tend to want the results without having to do the leg work, but often we have to start small to get big results later. Sometimes that means getting started with something small, to get the ball rolling. Make the most of where you are. Few will take the small steps necessary to achieve greatness.

We live by the definitions God has given us through his Word. God can make you great. My background and my current standing does not determine my purpose. 

Note: I did finish this book in September 2020, but I didn't continue to summarize the chapters. 

Friday, October 16, 2020

Knowing God - Chapter Eleven (11) - Thy Word Is Truth

Reading - Knowing God - Chapter Eleven (11) - Thy Word Is Truth

2 facts about triune Jehovah in every single bible passage:

  1. He is King - He is absolute monarch (king, sovereign) of the universe, he orders all its affairs, he works out His will in all that happens within it
  2. He Speaks - He utters words that express his will in order to cause it to be done
Rulers will speak and (1) enact regulations and laws that will directly determine the environment (judicial, fiscal, cultural) which his subjects reside. And rulers will (2) make public speeches to evoke from his subjects support and cooperation in the things he is doing. In the Bible, God is king and we are His subjects. 

His word relates both to things around us (creation - "Let there be") and providence. His word relates to us directly or personally as His word takes the form of royal Torah or law or instruction. Torah is:
  1. Law - commands, prohibitions with sanctions (penalties/rewards)
  2. Promise - either favorable or unfavorable, conditional or unconditional
  3. Testimony - information about God himself and people - their acts, purposes, natures and prospects (their future)    
God knows all about us before we say anything (Ps 139:1-4); we only know about Him when He tells us

The word of God is met in the first 3 chapters of the Bible. It is here, amidst an earth lying waste, empty of life, and dark that God speaks, "let there be..." 7 times (vv. 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26). 

God then speaks to the man and woman directly and fellowship between God and them is inaugurated. And the categories into which God's utterances to them in the rest of the story fall: 
  1. God's first word to them is a word of command to fulfill humankind's vocation of ruling the created order (Gen 1:28).
  2. Then follows testimony in which God explains green plants, crops, and fruits made for humans and animals to eat (Gen. 1:29
  3. Next a prohibition with sanction (penalty) attached (Gen. 2:17)
  4. Then after the fall God gives them words of promise - favorable and unfavorable - that the woman's seed shall bruise serpent's head, he ordains for Eve grief in childbirth, for Adam frustrating labor, and for both certain death (Gen. 3:15-19
Thus, in these first 3 chapters all the categories of relationship between God's word and his creatures is uttered and for the rest of the Bible these will be reiterated and confirmed. Thus, the whole Bible insists that the word of God determines all circumstances and events in the world. 

But, we believe not merely because He tells us, but primarily because it is a true word. 
To work this out further, we look at two connections. 

1. God's commands are true. "All your commands are true" (Ps. 119:151

They have stability & permanence - setting forth what God wants to see in human lives in every age
b. They tell us the unchanging truth about our own nature  

i. Shows us what we were made to be
ii. Teaches us how to be truly human
iii. Warns us against moral self-destruction  

Our bodies are like machines. We need the right routine of food, rest and exercise to run efficiently. If filled with the wrong fuel -- alcohols, drugs, poison -- we lose the power of healthy functioning and may seize up entirely in physical death. 

Our souls were made to bear God's image, to run on worship, law-keeping, truthfulness, honesty, discipline, self-control, and service to God and one another. To abandon these is to progressively destroy our soul whereby conscience atrophies, sense of shame dries up, one's capacity for truthfulness, loyalty, and honesty is eaten way, one's character disintegrates -- overall one dehumanizes. 

Today, the argument is the Bible is puritanical (strict/rigid in morality) and what is needed is more license (permission to do or not do) for richer living. This makes us a brute (nonhuman) for we are only truly human laboring to keep God's commandments.  

2. God's promises are true, for God keeps them. "He who promised is faithful" (Heb 10:23)

a. The Bible proclaims God's faithfulness; He is a covenant-keeping God
b. The promises of God are the proper, God-given basis for all our life of faith and the way to strengthen one's faith is to focus upon particular promises that speak to one's condition.

What is a Christian?
- True Christians are people who acknowledge and live under the word of God.

For a Christian, 
the Word of God has 
- convinced them of sin, and
- assured them of forgiveness
their whole life is to be brought into line with it.

God's word goes forth to (1) create, (2) control, and (3) order things around them. 

The Word of God acts as a touchstone to test the various views that are put to them and nothing will be touched unless the Scripture sanctions it. 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Being Rich

We have just returned from vacation - taking a trip to Naples. Pamela and and I were invited out there by her sister - to spend a week with them. We had not done something like that before with them. It was a good week, relaxing, being some place different - a place a little less strict with the COVID guidelines but also just away from home and responsibilities that are there. 

In visiting, what you see is one perspective. Naples is a community of enjoyment. The houses are expensive, the beach is close and therefore escaping life is present as you sit on a beach to relax, escape, reflect, and have fun. In the summer of 1989 I spent it on the beach of Myrtle beach (south) with Campus Crusade. I was with 50 other college students there to work jobs during the week and doing outreach events on Saturday, with the hopes of sharing the gospel with people. It was a great summer of working and also focusing our lives on ministry as well as getting fed in numerous ways by the Word of God.  

Naturally, this beach experience was different. 

This morning, back at home, I woke up early, still on eastern time, and had more time than usual reading and reflecting about spiritual things as I read from the book Kingdom Man by Tony Evans, Appointment with God by JB Phillips, and then also looking at my mom's hand-written notes on Matthew 7. While there, I read a lot from the Bonhoeffer book, but also thought of what I saw. 

People in need have been heavy on my heart lately. As we go through the inconvenience over here in the states, many are suffering in other parts of the world. We are all told to take this virus seriously. The number of people infected everywhere with the virus is small in comparison to the population and yet people are getting sick and some dying. But, most of us here, like myself, are simply being inconvenienced. I know this because of my correspondence with pastors in Uganda and Kenya as well as lay people in Nigeria, Zambia, Ethiopia and Rwanda. In these communities, life prior to COVID was hard. And now life is harder. In Naples one can't help but notice the large houses on the beach and those near the beach with boats resting in canals, providing access to the ocean. These homes are expensive. As you see them, you can't help but wonder what it would be like to live there - to make your home there or maybe an extended vacation. 

In those moments it is hard to remember that I am already rich. In comparison to those properties I don't feel rich, but in comparison to those in need I am rich. I grew thankful for my present circumstance, where we lived - having but not overextending what we had. Yet, helping others was on my mind. Here i think about those wealthy people passing on wealth to me and it makes me realize that to the people I converse with in those African countries, they see me in the same way, rich, hoping I would share some of it. 

What's next? Get back to work and try to live in a way that honors Him.  

Monday, November 11, 2019

Knowing God - Chapter Ten (10) - God's Wisdom and Ours

Reading - Knowing God - Chapter Ten (10) - God's Wisdom and Ours

God has incommunicable qualities - characteristic of God alone; man does not share any of them.
  • independence - self-existent and self-sufficient
  • immutability - entire freedom from change, leading to entire consistency in action
  • infinity - freedom from all limits of time and space
  • simplicity - there are in him no elements that can conflict, so he cannot have divergent thoughts and desires
When God made man, though, he communicated to him certain qualities such as goodness, truth, holiness, righteousness, etc. 
  • Genesis 1:26-27 - Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;...God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
At the Fall, man lapsed into ungodliness. Yet, God is at work in Christian believers to repair this ruined image. 
  • By being renewed in the image of Christ - 2 Corinthians 3:18 - But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.
  • By being renewed in the image of God - Colossians 3:10 - and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him. 
One of the qualities of God - all-wise - he wants to impart wisdom on his creatures.  
  • Seek wisdom - Proverbs 4:7 - The beginning of wisdom is: Acquire wisdom; 4:13 - Take hold of instruction; do not let go. Guard her, for she is your life.
  • Wisdom is personified - Proverbs 8:34-36 - “Blessed is the man who listens to me (wisdom),
    watching daily at my gates, waiting at my doorposts. For he who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord. But he who sins against me injures himself; all those who hate me love death
  • God is ready to provide wisdom - Proverbs 9:4-5 - “Whoever is naive, let him turn in here!”
    To him who lacks understanding she (wisdom) says, “Come, eat of my food.
  • Ask God for wisdom - James 1:5 - "But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him."
Two prerequisites: 
  1. We must learn to reverence God -  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. - Psalm 111:10, Proverbs 9:10, 1:7, 15:33, Job 28:28. We must be humble, teachable, stand in awe of God's holiness, sovereignty, see our own littleness, distrust our own thoughts, and willing to have our minds turned upside down.  
  2. We must learn to receive God's word - Colossians 3:16 - "Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you." Psalm 119:98-99 - "Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever mine. I have more insight than all my teachers, for Your testimonies are my meditation."  I am to soak myself in the Scriptures. When Paul gave those words he was simply speaking of the Old Testament. It is through scripture that we are "equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:17)." Read the Book!
What does it mean for God to give us wisdom?

It is Not
Packer gives an illustration - standing on a train platform and seeing the train movements - provides you a very rough idea of the workings on a train. But if you were taken back to the control room and there saw signal-box and diagrams of how everything works individually and yet together - you will better understand the reason each train operates individually the way it does. 
     People make the mistake that this is what it means when we acquire the wisdom of God - in turn giving us the reason why all things work together for good. This is futile inquiry. It is true God will teach us principles through His providence but this is different from trying to render God's purpose about every detail of our lives. 

It is
Packer gives an illustration - driving a car and learning how to navigate the car through the many different situations that are present -- a parked car on the side of the road, the turning roads, stoplights, other cars - thus wisdom is being clear-sighted and realistic in looking at life as it is. It is learning to navigate myself through life as life changes, curves, as events suddenly present themselves, as things break.

Ecclesiastes Teaches us a mystery
Packer turns to Ecclesiastes to see what it teaches us on wisdom. Solomon's conclusion is wisdom is a frank acknowledgement that this world's course is enigmatic (mysterious), that much of what happens is unable to be explained to us and that most occurrences under the sun bear no outward sign of a rational, moral God ordering them at all. The writer (preacher) is stating that we must be careful to not equate book knowledge with gaining wisdom (Eccl 12:12).

Look at life:
  • Aimlessly recurring cycles in nature (1:4-7)
  • Life is fixed by times and circumstances over which we have no control (3:1-8, 9:11-12)
  • Death comes, haphazardly, bears no relation to whether it is deserved (7:15, 8:8)
  • Humans die like beasts (3:19-20), good ones die like bad ones, wise ones die like fools (3:16, 4:1, 5:8, 8:11, 9:3)
  • Wicked prosper, good don't (8:14)
Thus, then there is a temptation to conclude that life really is as pointless as it looks. Thus, we then think that wisdom is figuring out what makes God tick and why he does what he does; Christians can at times think they have the inside scoop on this. (Note: It is hard answering questions from skeptics with "I don't know" because we don't like the way this possibly makes us look as faith followers.) God wants us to walk by faith (yet growing up we did not like hearing from our father - "because I said so" and we don't like hearing that from our Father today). There seems to be a certain danger in feeling like the Christian must be able to answer any question that is asked. [Today the response among Christians is simply to retort, "God is sovereign" which really is another way of saying, "God works things out the way he wants and I realize it doesn't make sense, but that is okay because I am fine with God being in control."] The moment the Christian thinks he knows all the answers the Christian will be confronted with an experience in life that he didn't.

"God in his wisdom, to make and keep us humble and to teach us to walk by faith, has hidden from us almost everything that we should like to know about the providential purposes which he is working out in the churches and in our lives." As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.. - Ecclesiastes 11:5

Ecclesiastes Teaches Wisdom
  • Fear God and keep His commandments (12:13)
  • Trust and obey him, reverence him, worship him, be humble before him, and never say more than you mean and will stand to when you pray to him (5:1-7)
  • Do good (3:12)
  • Remember that God will some day take account of you (11:9, 12:14)
  • So eschew, even in secret, things of which you will be ashamed when they come to light at God's assizes (12:14)
  • Live in the present and enjoy it thoroughly (7:14, 9:7-10, 11:9-10)
  • Seek grace to work hard at whatever life calls you to do (9:10)
  • Enjoy your work as you do it  (2:24; 3:12-13; 5:18-20; 8:15)
  • Leave to God its issues; let him measure its ultimate worth; your part is to use all the good sense and enterprise at your command in exploiting the opportunities that lie before you (11:1-6)

Monday, October 14, 2019

My Mom is Home Free

My mom -

Rebecca “Becky” Wiley Payton, age 75, was welcomed by her loving Savior into her new home prepared for her on Sunday, October 6, 2019. She was a caring wife to Dr. Tyler Payton; a loving sister to Randy Byers; a wonderful mom to her sons Chris and Timothy (“T.”); a delightful Grammy to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and a good friend to so many. Services will be held Thursday, October 10, 2019, 11:00 a.m. at Del Norte Baptist Church, 5800 Montgomery Blvd NE. In lieu of flowers please send donations to CareNet Pregnancy Centers of Albuquerque -
Obituary Photo

The following is the eulogy my brother and I wrote, which I read at the funeral.

Rebecca ("Becky") Wiley Payton was born on February 1, 1944 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She was predeceased by her father and mother, James Robert in 1982 and Ruth Benge in 2009. Becky grew up in New Orleans and was an excellent student and graduated from East Jefferson High School in 1961 and began attending Louisiana State University in New Orleans pursuing a degree in Nursing (started out premed). She met her husband, Tyler Payton, in 1963 while she was speaking at the Baptist Student Union as he was also in New Orleans attending Tulane Medical School. They dated for 18 months and they were married May 1965; they then spent the summer in Denver with my dad working and my mom learning to cook (my dad mentions she would make huge meals). A year later she graduated from LSU and they moved to Denver (my dad working as an intern at a hospital and my mom working as a nurse in a different hospital). They moved to Gallup, New Mexico where she had two children. The family moved to Albuquerque in 1969.

In Albuquerque, the family attended Heights Baptist Church, Hoffmantown Baptist Church, and then she later attended here at Del Norte Baptist Church. Becky never simply attended church, but served in the churches where she was a member. She was active in the choir in all churches she attended singing beautifully - using the God given talents she had. She played the piano and sang solos in college. She even sang a solo in the morning of her wedding - getting married later that afternoon on that Sunday. At Heights, she played the piano and later the organ when they had a need (I remember that transition and my mom really struggled getting the organ down but she was determined and played it beautifully). Growing up in church she was involved in WMU (Women's Missionary Union). At Hoffmantown, she was involved with the international ministry. I think my mom simply loved learning about other places God’s love was at work and the Holy Spirit was working in people’s lives. Most recently she taught Sunday School at Del Norte. She carefully prepared her lessons, adding visual aids. It never mattered the size of the group she was speaking to; it was never about that, it was simply an opportunity to present God’s truth to you and be with you. She always made you feel important and valued and appreciated.

Becky loved to read, study and savor God’s Word. She had such a special relationship with God. There are no clean sections in my mom’s Bible. Every page has underlines and notes to the side. My mom and God were united. She delighted in His wonderful promises and marveled at the grace that was granted to her through Jesus. We all love the time we have to spend with her, but it all pales in comparison to the time that she spent with God. In all of life's circumstances, she kept the Word of God close to her. She would constantly write God’s word on notecards. We’ve had several times in the hospital the last 11 years and every time I would be with her she would be reading through 3x5 cards she had written verses or reading Psalms to encourage her.

Becky was a talented artist and enjoyed painting and drawing, and shared that love with her sons. She loved to sew, making everything from draperies, bathhouse, cushions, to one of a kind halloween costumes. She even made her own wedding and “going away” outfit. She loved to take her handwriting and create artwork that accentuated the promises of God in, scripture, many of which adorned not only her home but her son’s homes as well.

She delighted in animals and loved to collect animal photography. Adorable photos of seals, prairie dogs, otters and birds surrounded her home. Her beloved dogs over the years — Girl, Moose, Squigg, Bear and Tess — were pampered and treated just like the humans in the family. In all of these animals she is enjoying God’s creation more. She enjoyed celebrating God’s creativity in the wild birds to whom she enjoyed feeding and even affectionally looked forward to seeing a wild mouse scurry outside her kitchen window.

She loved her family. She lovingly prepared southern food that not only tasted good but was visually pleasing -- fitting of her artistic talent. She modeled a God dependent life by arising early every morning and bowing before her Creator to adore Him and lift up her families needs in prayer. She shared her love of music with her family — giving them a love of hymns which she played and sang at her piano. She loved to sing. I can’t remember ever standing with my mom in church and singing a hymn and her having to look at the hymnal or words on the screen. She knew every song by heart. Again, these weren’t just songs, they were words sung to God the Savior. She loved to lift up her voice to him. I admit that I was sometimes startled by my mom’s voice but it was beautiful and clear. She took voice lessons in Albuquerque and even sang in a trio during the 70s. At Heights Baptist she sang in the choir, including having the lead in musical productions. When she was playing the organ, she would spend hours practicing an offertory song that would last 3 minutes to our ears.

She loved being with other ladies in fellowship and study. She had the same two close friends from junior high to today and spoke of them - simply enjoying life with them at every turn. She also often mentioned here Sisters in Scriptures. She was constantly asking me what she can pray about in my life and her and her friends would be praying for all of us in her family. I want you to know that many of you have reached out to send her a card or word; to my mom those are not simply cards, but trophies to her and she proudly displayed them all around her and the house.

Look - It’s so hard to not just be up here forever talking about her and all the wonderful things she did for me. She was so beautiful inside and out. I guess you don’t think of your mom as a beauty as she is just mom to you. My roommates in college told me that my mom was really pretty. Just 3 or 4 years ago I introduced her to one of my coworkers at work and he said - your mom is a very pretty lady. I’m convinced. Her joy was captivating.

My mom loved music and I loved listening to Music. Two times there were artists that were playing at a dance club and bar in town called Graham Central Station when I was in high school. I wanted to see these artists. One was Kerry Livgren who had just left the group Kansas to form a Christian rock band after he turned his life over to Christ and then a band called Stryper which was more like a metal rock band. I could only go to these concerts if someone over 21 took me. Once my mom found this out she said she would take me. Each time leaving the concert my mom would say - I enjoyed that. I’m glad I got to go with you.

In college I was dating a girl my freshman and sophomore years and I guess we were getting serious. My mom sent me a book called Love for a Lifetime and said this would be good for the two of you to go through. So we sat down and started reading it together. There was a question really quick into the book that said - how often will you visit your respective parents after you are married - this girl I was dating said - well we could visit your folks maybe once a year - she said the state you live in is all brown and I’m not sure about your parents. I thought - not be with my parents - my mom - and I immediately broke up with her - and 2 years later God provided me my Mom - in the person of Pamela - beautiful and so wonderful to talk to and be with. Thank you Mom.

She leaves behind her husband, Tyler West Payton, and her two sons, Chris Payton (wife Pamela) of Albuquerque and T Payton (wife Brooke) of Albuquerque, and her sister, Randy Byers of Owasso, Oklahoma. She also leaves behind six grandchildren: Tyson Payton, Jordy Payton (wife Allison), Megan Sykes (husband Brandon), Noah Payton (wife Ella), Derek Payton, and Andrew Payton; and 2 great grand-children, Charlie Ann Payton and Calihan Payton.

As you can tell my mom loved God and loved life and loved people. In lieu of flowers my brothers wife Brooke made this most fitting recommendation so please make a donation in her honor to Care Net Pregnancy Center of Albuquerque -