Megan Wedding 2017

Megan Wedding 2017

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Willow Creek Assessment

I need something to add to my blog. This is a response I put forth on Lance's blog regarding the Willow Creek Performance Report. It's still got me thinking and concerned about what the church calls church.

First of all, I appreciate WC and their honesty and frank talk on this subject. Its refreshing for a church to honestly speak of their perceived mission. At the same time, I think we as disciples need to be very careful as to what this church is saying, reporting, and proposing. It seems disheartening to hear WC say that their mistake or the results from their survey are consistent with the other churches they have surveyed. I guess I'm saddened that the church is looking more like a business and looking less and less "not of this world."

A couple of things I heard Hybels say, "We should have taught people to read their Bibles between services."

He mentions the idea that people need to be self-feeders. His remark is that as people mature in their faith, they want the church to feed them more.

He then remarks that people need to be "coached" using "customized spiritual growth plans."

Wow. This is sad. This church continues to think that they are the answer. I really have to be honest here but I'm really concerned these days that the church is trying to play God. And not only the church, but many that support the church as well. I'm referring to christian book sellers and the publishing companies as well. Churches have trained people in the idea that nourishment is acquired at church or acquired by reading a book.

Hebrews 10:24-25, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
I John 3:18, "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."

If people in the church are not active in their faith and their spiritual life has just become a part of their life like their job, their school, their recreation, their family time---then something is really wrong. And my concern is that the church is made up of people that know the right answers, but are not reading God's love letters to them and therefore, are not living His words throughout their lives. Thus, we have a church full of false converts. Who have come to Christ for the wrong reasons.

Church, open up God's letters and read them. And then you will pray. You will then repeat this not because you are following a customized spiritual growth plan, but because the Spirit is confirming your faith and you are moved to greater devotion. And we will walk away Praising God not elevating a church and its fantastic work.

WC's assessment confirms more and more my feeling that God and His Word are not people's oasis, but rather their last resort. And people have misrepresented the Church expecting it to do what only the Holy Spirit is capable of doing: change hearts.

Lance, I think your questions are right on. Church is too complex. And yet we are avoiding the central truths: Love God. Love One Another. (How can you love your neighbor and yet never ask him where he is going when he dies? How can you love God and yet not read His words?) Once again, its no different from the activities in our lives (work, play, food); we are trying to please everyone. God never promised a happy and problem-free life. Peace doesn't mean tons of worldly blessings. There is a lot of pain in being a disciple. Just ask the disciples. I mean, how many died of natural causes?