Megan Wedding 2017

Megan Wedding 2017

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Choo Choo Choo Choo...I think i can.

Sometimes I feel like I'm making life more difficult than it should be. Earlier this year, I wrote out some life goals and broke them down to short and long term. One of the immediate goals was to yearly read through the Bible. I've read through the Bible in a year before, or at least I like to remember that I have. The plan I use has me reading one New Testament portion in the morning and one Old Testament portion in the evening. I think I stayed with the plan about 2 weeks. And before long, I found myself needing to read 10 chapters of Old Testament and then several New Testament chapters to catch up. And then, the inevitable, I'm looking at the schedule and thinking, "wow, am I really a whole book behind?"

I think I know the answer. Keep reading. Don't get bogged down in the 'where I should be' and just keep reading.

However, it could be that maybe there are just too many things racing through my life right now and something I value as important is being squeezed out. That's probably a pretty good assessment. I wonder if I'll do anything with that...

1 comment:

Lance said...

Hey Dude:
I've been meaning to catch up with you. Glad you've posted a blog after many weeks off.

If it does you any good . . .I try to read four chapters per day (some days I miss; others I read more).
At that rate, I have made it through the Bible a couple of times in the last few years, and I'm going through it again now.

My hope is that it's getting through me.